Letter from the Publisher:

V.4 N.2 Cover: Lewis L. Millet, WWII. Photo by Nick Del Calzo, © 2003.
Lewis L. Millett, Captain, U.S. Army Company E, 27th Infantry Regiment, awarded the Medal of Honor on July 5, 1951. |
We started this magazine three years ago with the hope and expectation to deliver the best photography magazine available to the serious and accomplished film photographer, hobbyist or professional.
We wanted to fill an apparent need for attention in the analog area as most research and development money and interest was being directed to digital images and printing. The traditional photographer felt left behind.
We told our audience to maintain the fight, for this was war, between film and digital. But as we moved along we concluded the line between analog and digital image creation and printing was becoming arbitrary and artificial, a distinction based upon personal preference. The focus needed to be placed on the image, not the means of attaining the image.
We felt increasingly uncomfortable instructing the photography community on which approach was best. Our goal should be the presentation of the best photography available to us for our sophisticated and selective audience, however those artistic efforts were attained.
We will continue the commitment to the traditional photographer and at the same time broaden our effort to include all forms of image creation. We will also continue to provide the best images and materials on the subject. Our mission is to present interesting, engaging, thought provoking articles and images. We will leave the processing preference for our readers to make.
We will do this with a philosophy of inclusion, not exclusion.
There have been some changes at the magazine. Our founding Editor, Steve Anchell, has left his position to pursue personal projects including workshops, photographic projects and the 2nd edition of the Film Developing Cookbook. Steves efforts and editorial skills will be missed, but I am pleased to report he will remain associated with the magazine as Editor at Large. We are most fortunate to have as our new Senior Editor, Rick Levy of San Francisco. Rick is an experienced and talented artist and photographer. In addition to his own activities, he has been retained by Zazzle.com for the digital restoration of historical images from our nations most prestigious archival photography collections. We look forward to Ricks involvement with Photovision.
We are also very fortunate to add a new Contributing Editor, Scott Bourne. Scott is the Executive Director of the Olympic Mountain School of Photography located in Gig Harbor, Washington. Scott is also editor of the internet photography magazine, photofocus.com. Scotts readers and students include film and digital photographers. Scott is a nationally recognized digital photographer and instructor on handling, printing and storage of images. Scotts first contribution Digital Lightroom appears in this issue.
We are also pleased to present a new continuing feature, Aronows Gallery. This will present the work of Abraham Aronow, who has been photographing photographers for twenty-five years. The descriptive article is by Jo Leggett. On page 64 is his portrait of Ernst Haas. In addition to his accomplishments as a photographer, Abraham Aronow is a practicing physician, a remarkeable combination.
We will proceed with enthusiasm. We want Photovision to become even more important to the world of our readers.
Michael St. Peter